Definition Und Etymologie

Die Kunst des Lesens: Eine Erkundung des Wortes "Lektüre"

Definition und Etymologie

Das Wort "Lektüre" stammt vom lateinischen Verb legere ("lesen") und bezeichnet die Tätigkeit, einen geschriebenen Text zu lesen. Im Deutschen bezieht sich der Begriff spezifisch auf das kontinuierliche und konzentrierte Lesen eines längeren Textes, bei dem der inhaltliche Zusammenhang im Vordergrund steht.

In der deutschen Sprache

Im Deutschen wird "Lektüre" in verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen verwendet, die unterschiedliche Aspekte des Lesens hervorheben:

  • Lektüreempfehlung: Eine Empfehlung für einen bestimmten Text, der als lesenswert erachtet wird.
  • Lektürestunde: Eine Unterrichtsstunde, in der ein Text gemeinsam gelesen und diskutiert wird.
  • Leichte Lektüre: Ein Text, der als einfach und leicht verständlich eingestuft wird.

Grammatische Merkmale

Als Substantiv ist "Lektüre" ein feminines Wort und wird in der deutschen Grammatik dekliniert.

Bedeutung und Bedeutung

Die Lektüre spielt in der menschlichen Kultur eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie ist ein Mittel zur Wissensvermittlung, Unterhaltung und persönlichen Bereicherung. Durch das Lesen erschließen wir uns neue Welten, erweitern unseren Horizont und entwickeln unsere intellektuellen Fähigkeiten.

Lektüre kann in verschiedenen Formen auftreten, darunter Bücher, Zeitschriften, Zeitungen und Online-Texte. Jede Form bietet ihre eigenen einzigartigen Vorteile und Möglichkeiten.


Das Wort "Lektüre" umfasst die vielfältigen Aspekte des Lesens und unterstreicht seine Bedeutung für die menschliche Entwicklung. Ob als Lektüreempfehlung, als Unterrichtsfach oder als leichte Unterhaltung, das Lesen bleibt eine unverzichtbare Tätigkeit, die uns Zugang zu Wissen, Inspiration und Freude verschafft.

Definition Und Etymologie

Die Kunst des Lesens: Eine Erkundung des Wortes "Lektüre"

Definition und Etymologie

Das Wort "Lektüre" stammt vom lateinischen Verb legere ("lesen") und bezeichnet die Tätigkeit, einen geschriebenen Text zu lesen. Im Deutschen bezieht sich der Begriff spezifisch auf das kontinuierliche und konzentrierte Lesen eines längeren Textes, bei dem der inhaltliche Zusammenhang im Vordergrund steht.

In der deutschen Sprache

Im Deutschen wird "Lektüre" in verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen verwendet, die unterschiedliche Aspekte des Lesens hervorheben:

  • Lektüreempfehlung: Eine Empfehlung für einen bestimmten Text, der als lesenswert erachtet wird.
  • Lektürestunde: Eine Unterrichtsstunde, in der ein Text gemeinsam gelesen und diskutiert wird.
  • Leichte Lektüre: Ein Text, der als einfach und leicht verständlich eingestuft wird.

Grammatische Merkmale

Als Substantiv ist "Lektüre" ein feminines Wort und wird in der deutschen Grammatik dekliniert.

Bedeutung und Bedeutung

Die Lektüre spielt in der menschlichen Kultur eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie ist ein Mittel zur Wissensvermittlung, Unterhaltung und persönlichen Bereicherung. Durch das Lesen erschließen wir uns neue Welten, erweitern unseren Horizont und entwickeln unsere intellektuellen Fähigkeiten.

Lektüre kann in verschiedenen Formen auftreten, darunter Bücher, Zeitschriften, Zeitungen und Online-Texte. Jede Form bietet ihre eigenen einzigartigen Vorteile und Möglichkeiten.


Das Wort "Lektüre" umfasst die vielfältigen Aspekte des Lesens und unterstreicht seine Bedeutung für die menschliche Entwicklung. Ob als Lektüreempfehlung, als Unterrichtsfach oder als leichte Unterhaltung, das Lesen bleibt eine unverzichtbare Tätigkeit, die uns Zugang zu Wissen, Inspiration und Freude verschafft.

Presidential Debate Questions About Climate Change

Humans' Role in Climate Change: A Contentious Debate

Fox News Question Provokes Controversy

Moderators Query Republican Candidates on Climate Change

During the Fox News Republican presidential primary debate on January 28, 2016, moderators asked candidates if they believed humans have contributed to climate change. This question sparked a heated exchange, with several candidates expressing skepticism or outright denial of human-caused global warming.

Framing the Debate

Is Climate Change a Hoax?

Some candidates, such as Rick Santorum and Scott Walker, dismissed the idea that human activities have a significant impact on the climate. They argued that climate change is a natural phenomenon that has been occurring for millions of years.

The Scientific Consensus

However, the vast majority of climate scientists agree that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are the primary cause of the current warming trend. This consensus is supported by decades of scientific research, which has shown that greenhouse gases emitted by human activities trap heat in the atmosphere.

Political Implications

Climate Change as a Divisive Issue

Climate change has become a highly polarizing issue in American politics. While some politicians and voters accept the scientific consensus, others remain skeptical or even dismissive of the evidence. This divide has hindered efforts to address the problem.

Impact on Policy

The debate over human influence on climate change has had a significant impact on environmental policy. Governments that prioritize human activities as the primary driver of climate change are more likely to support policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, governments that reject this view are less likely to take action on climate change.


The question of whether humans contribute to climate change remains a contentious issue. While scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that human activities are the primary cause, skepticism and denial persist. This debate has far-reaching implications for environmental policy and the future of our planet. As the earth continues to warm and its effects become more pronounced, the need for a consensus on human responsibility becomes increasingly urgent.

Presidential Debate Details Unveiled

Presidential Debate Details Unveiled

Dates, Networks, and Locations Announced

The much-anticipated presidential debates between Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Republican nominee Donald Trump are set to take place on the following dates:

First Debate

  • Date: Thursday, June 27
  • Time: 9 pm CT
  • Location: CNN's studios in Georgia
  • Networks: CNN, CNN International, CNN en Español, CNN Max

Second Debate

  • Date: September (exact date to be announced)
  • Location: To be announced

Third Debate

  • Date: October (exact date to be announced)
  • Location: To be announced

The debates will provide a crucial platform for the candidates to present their policies, vision for the future, and plans for addressing key issues facing the nation.

Presidential Debate Commission

Commission on Presidential Debates

Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD)

What is the CPD?

The CPD is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that sponsors and organizes general election debates between the presidential candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties. The CPD was established in 1987 and is composed of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans.

History of the CPD

The CPD was founded in response to the 1984 presidential election, which was marked by a series of chaotic and unproductive debates. The CPD's goal was to create a fair and impartial forum for the candidates to debate the issues facing the country. The CPD has sponsored seven presidential debates since its founding.


The CPD plays a vital role in the American presidential election process. The debates that the CPD sponsors provide voters with an opportunity to hear from the candidates on a variety of issues and to make informed decisions about who to vote for. The CPD's nonpartisan status ensures that the debates are fair and impartial, and that all candidates are given an equal opportunity to present their views.



Presidential Debate 2023

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Clash in Tense Debate

Hostility and Aggression Dominate Second Republican Debate

Five Candidates Seek to Dent Trump's Commanding Lead

In a heated debate characterized by hostility and aggression, four Republican presidential hopefuls sparred over foreign policy, education, and immigration on Wednesday night. The two-hour event, held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, saw candidates attempting to make a dent in Donald Trump's significant lead in the polls.

Candidates engaged in heated exchanges over foreign policy, with one candidate accusing another of being a "warmonger." Education and immigration were also major topics of contention, with candidates offering starkly contrasting views on how to address these issues.

Presidential Debate 2020 Transcript

Full Transcript of the First 2020 Presidential Debate

By [Author's Name]

September 29, 2020

The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was held on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. The debate was moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News.

The debate was contentious, with the two candidates frequently interrupting each other. Trump repeatedly made false and misleading statements, while Biden attempted to stay on message and focus on his plans for the country.

The debate covered a wide range of topics, including the coronavirus pandemic, the economy, and race relations. Trump repeatedly attacked Biden's record and policies, while Biden accused Trump of mishandling the pandemic and dividing the country.

The debate ended with Trump refusing to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election. Biden said that he would accept the results of the election, regardless of who wins.

The debate was widely seen as a victory for Biden. He was able to stay on message and avoid being drawn into Trump's attacks. Trump, on the other hand, appeared to be unfocused and unprepared.

The debate is likely to have a significant impact on the election. It will give voters a chance to see the two candidates side-by-side and to make a decision about who they believe is the best choice to lead the country.


The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was a contentious affair, with the two candidates frequently interrupting each other and making false and misleading statements. Biden was able to stay on message and avoid being drawn into Trump's attacks, while Trump appeared to be unfocused and unprepared. The debate is likely to have a significant impact on the election, as it will give voters a chance to see the two candidates side-by-side and to make a decision about who they believe is the best choice to lead the country.